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6월, 2019의 게시물 표시

Introduction to FlowCytometry

* What Is Flow Cytometry ?  Flow= the motion characteristics of fluids. Cyto=cells metry=measurement * Cytometry= is a general name for a group of biological methods used to measure various parameters of cells. Parameters which can be measured by cytometric methods are cell size, the stage of the cell cycle, the DNA content of the cell, the existence or absence of specific proteins on the cell surface or in the cytoplasm, to name but a few. (Wikipedia) * Some applications of flow cytometry • DNA/Cell Cycle analysis • Cell viability • Cell proliferation • Intracellular ionic (e.g. Ca2+ ) fluxes • Multicolor phenotyping (cell surface) • Multicolor phenotyping (intracellular) • Monocyte oxidative burst • Monocyte phagocytosis • Neutrophil oxidative burst • Neutrophil phagocytosis • Microbiological analysis • Cell trafficking • Cellular and antibody or complementmediated cytotoxicity • Sorting on the basis of morphology (FSC or SSc) and/or fluorescent characteristics * What

Basic immunology

IMMUNITY The term Immunity is derived from the Latin word Immunitae, which referred to the protection from the legal prosecution offered to Roman Senators during their tenure in office. Refers to the resistance exhibited by the host towards injury caused by microorganisms and their products. Protection against infectious diseases Distinguishes self from non-self Eliminate potentially destructive foreign substances from body Immunology  Natural (‘innate’) immune system –Skin, tears, saliva, mucus, acids –Property of all living creatures  Adaptive (‘acquired’) immune system –Specialist cells, cytokines, antibodies –Specific and has ‘memory’ –Specialised mucosal lymphoid tissue


INNATE IMMUNITY Resistance to infection which individual possesses by virtue of his genetic and constitutional make up Early defense response against microbes Immune response Non specific Innate response do not alter on repeated exposure Memory effect absent Not affected by immunisation or prior contact 1. THE INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM –Synonyms are the natural or native immune system –Rapidly mobilised first line of defence –Not dependent on prior exposure to a  foreign invader –Non-specific –May not be sufficient to prevent  foreign material persisting in the host - The “Respiratory Burst”    aka the “oxidative burst”   membrane-bound NADPH system  produces: superoxide radicals, hyperchlorous acid, H2O2, chloramines - A reliable means of protecting the host  in the first instance against many  extracellular organisms - It is a property of every living organism -  Unable to deal with all intracellular  organisms (e.g protozoa, viruses &  certain bacteria are 

Basic immunology

IMMUNITY The term Immunity is derived from the Latin word Immunitae, which referred to the protection from the legal prosecution offered to Roman Senators during their tenure in office. Refers to the resistance exhibited by the host towards injury caused by microorganisms and their products. Protection against infectious diseases Distinguishes self from non-self Eliminate potentially destructive foreign substances from body INNATE IMMUNITY Resistance to infection which individual possesses by virtue of his genetic and constitutional make up Early defense response against microbes Immune response Non specific Innate response do not alter on repeated exposure Memory effect absent Not affected by immunisation or prior contact ACQUIRED IMMUNITY The resistance that an individual acquires during life Later defense response Immune response is highly specific Adaptive response improves with each successive encounter with same pathogen Memory effect present Is improved by immu